Ava Communications obtained the first certificate of ISO10668 of DQS Company in Iran

Ava Communications is the only designer and manufacturer of next generation telecommunication switches in Iran and products of this company bear technical approvals of Telecommunication Infrastructure Company and Communications Regulatory Authority of of Iran.

This company is considered as one of the knowledge-based organizations of Iran winning numerous national and international honors , including the second place of the International Khwarizmi Award 2012, gold medal of the World Intellectual Property Organization , the nation's premier production unit in 2013, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization award , top technology entrepreneur in 2013, the Innovation and entrepreneurship Festival of Tehran University (Shahid Chamran), 2012, Fava International Festival and National Festival of Sheikh Bahai in 2014. This company was also rated one in the network of computer and telecommunications data in the High Council of Informatics.
For the first time in Iran, Ava succeeded in obtaining the international ISO10668 certification of”Ava” brand valuation from the German company of DQS.
Today, brand has become an important part of an organization’s wealth and property and it is necessary to evaluate and monitor the value and calculate the ROI for it like other assets. So in recent years, large organizations with their special brands have conducted different evaluations. Each of the methods employed has its strengths and weaknesses until ISO (International Standard Organization) developed and disseminated ISO 10668 standard named Brand Valuation according to the requirements of the organizations in this field in September, 2010.